Table of Contents

Igor V. Yaminsky

Professor, Doctor in Physics and Mathematics




Status, degrees


  1. Zavyalova E.G., Protopopova A.D., Kopylov A.M., Yaminsky I.V., Investigation of early stages of fibrin association // Langmuir, 27, p. 4922 – 4927, 2011.
  2. V.E. Maschenko, V.M. Puzikov, A.V. Semenov, I.V.Yaminsky. Exciton emission in tetrahedral carbon self-organized and ring-shaped quantum dots // Phys. Status Solidi C 8, No. 1, 24-29 (2011).
  3. E.V. Dubrovin, O.N. Koroleva, Yu.A. Khodak, N.V. Kuzmina, I.V. Yaminsky, V.L. Drutsa. AFM study of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase ς70 subunit aggregation // Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine (2011)
  4. I.V. Yaminskii, P.V. Gorelkin, E.V.Dubrovin. Nanoanalytics for medicine // Biophysics, v. 56, No 5, 905-909 (2011)Springer.
  5. Yu.M. Efremov, D.V. Bagrov, E.V. Dubrovin, K.V. Shaitan, I.V. Yaminsky. Atomic Force Microscopy of Animal Cells: Advances and Prospects. // Biophysics, 2011, 56, 257-267. DOI
  6. E.V. Dubrovin, J.W. Gerritsen, J.Zivkovic, I.V. Yaminsky, S.Speller. The effect of underlying octadecylamine monolayer on the DNA conformation on the graphite surface. // Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2010, 76, 63-69. DOI
  7. E.V. Dubrovin, T.N. Murugova, K.A. Motovilov, L.S. Yaguzhinsky, I.V. Yaminsky. Application of atomic force microscopy technology to a structural analysis of the mitochondrial inner membrane. // Nanotechnologies in Russia, 2009, 4, 876-880. DOI
Selected before 2011
  1. E.V. Dubrovin, J.W. Gerritsen, J.Zivkovic, I.V. Yaminsky, S.Speller. The effect of underlying octadecylamine monolayer on the DNA conformation on the graphite surface. // Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2010, 76, 63-69. DOI
  2. E.V. Dubrovin, T.N. Murugova, K.A. Motovilov, L.S. Yaguzhinsky, I.V. Yaminsky. Application of atomic force microscopy technology to a structural analysis of the mitochondrial inner membrane. // Nanotechnologies in Russia, 2009, 4, 876-880. DOI

Honors, Diplomas, Medals


Based on WEB of KNOWLEDGE, updated 25.11.2011

Number of papers 128

Overall citation index 735

Average citation index 5,74

h-index 14